Backwind Orchestra: New Soloist Learning Format for the Students of Kronberg Academy

Cooperation with Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn / Two concerts with baroque program in June

Kronberg Academy establishes a new concert format at Casals Forum: In the future, Kronberg Academy's students will be given the possibility to perfect their skills in solistic playing with an orchestra in a special cooperation with the Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn. Furtherhin, the results of this project will be presented in concerts in June and November. Hereby, the orchestra is acting as a “mentor” for the students: It passes on their experiences to them and supports them in matters of sound, rhythm, coordination or the challenges of “Leading” and “Accompanying” in music. 

Togather, soloists and orchestra will play two Concerti brillanti with the rhythmic energy of baroque music: On Thursdaym 27th June with soloists Hayang Park (Viola), Ivan Skanavi (Violoncello), Inmo Yang (Violine) andAnouchka Hack (Violoncello) with works by Telemann, Vivaldi und Haydn, on Friday, 28th June with Manuel Lipstein, Philipp Schupelius, Sebastian Fritsch, Edward Luengo (Violoncelli), Hans Christian Aavik (Violine) and Sào Soulez Larivière (Viola) and works by Vivaldi, C. P. E. Bach and W. A. Mozart. Both concerts take place in Casals Forum's Grand Hall. 

The press release is available for download here