Dr. Anatol Stefan Riemer

Dr Anatol Stefan Riemer studied at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, where he learned composition/electronic composition, music theory and musicology.

He gained a PhD in musicology at Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts with a thesis on the compositional technique of Jacques Offenbach (graded summa cum laude). His musicology studies focus primarily on opera in the 19th century, symphonic music and 20th century music.

Riemer’s compositional oeuvre comprises solo, ensemble, orchestral and choral works as well as numerous Lieder. The starting point for these pieces is often provided by literary texts and the works of other composers. Yet, the relationships between his compositions and their “templates” are always re-defined along the way, and ultimately themselves become the focus of the compositional process: whether this be purely setting text to music, Sprachkomposition (phonetic composition), one of various citation and distortion techniques or a process of free reflection.

Last updated: January 2024