Itai Navon


Sir András Schiff Performance Porgramme for Young Pianists Studies with Sir András Schiff, funded by the König/Reinhuber patronage

Itai Navon regularly performs as a soloist and chamber musician across Europe in distinguished concert halls such as Konzerthaus Berlin, the Pierre Boulez Saal, Beethovenhaus Bonn and Wigmore Hall. He has performed with orchestras including the Israel Camerata and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra and at music festivals such as Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad, Ruhr Piano Festival and Aspen Music Festival. At the invitation of Sir András Schiff, Navon performed in the Building Bridges concert series throughout Europe. Furthermore, 2021 saw him participate in a series of filmed masterclasses with Daniel Barenboim featuring Beethoven’s sonatas for solo piano and cello. 

Born in Jerusalem in 1996, Navon began studying piano with Esther Narkiss at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance Conservatory, continuing his training with Emanuel Krasovsky at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv. He is a graduate of the Barenboim-Said Akademie, where he studied from 2018 to 2022 with Sir András Schiff. 

Since October 2022, he has been studying in Kronberg Academy's Sir András Schiff Performance Programme for Young Pianists, funded by the König/Reinhuber patronage. 

Last updated: February 2024
Carl Bechstein Saal, Casals Forum

Itai Navon – Concert

The young soloists from the Kronberg Academy perform on many stages worldwide - and every Wednesday in the Casals Forum: Week after week, one of them presents themselves in the Carl Bechstein Hall with a self-designed one-hour concert - and invites other young colleagues to join as fellow musicians.


  • Itai Navon piano


The program and concert flyer will be designed individually by the students.

MittwochsKonzerte as a package.
Here you can book five concerts for the price of four.

24 €