
Ivan Skanavi – Not Alone

The young soloists from the Kronberg Academy perform on many stages worldwide - and every Wednesday in the Casals Forum: Week after week, one of them presents themselves in the Carl Bechstein Hall with a self-designed one-hour concert - and invites other young colleagues to join as fellow musicians.



Edmund Finnis
Prelude II

Giovanni Sollima
Natural Songbook: Prelude for cello solo

Georgy Gusev
Protos | Tree of life for 2 cellos

Georgy Gusev
Starlings over Rome für 3 Celli

J. S. Bach
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ für 4 Celli

Georgy Gusev
Genome for 6 cellos

Giovanni Sollima
Terra Aria for 6 cellos

Giovanni Sollima
Alone for cello solo

Edmund Finnis
Prelude II

Further participants
Oliver Herbert - cello
Bryan Cheng - cello
Petar Pejčić - cello
Arne Zeller - cello
Jaemin Han - cello

The program and concert flyer will be designed individually by the students.

MittwochsKonzerte as a package.
Here you can book five concerts for the price of four.