
Sào Soulez Larivière - Nachklang

The young soloists from the Kronberg Academy perform on many stages worldwide - and every Wednesday in the Casals Forum: Week after week, one of them presents themselves in the Carl Bechstein Hall with a self-designed one-hour concert - and invites other young colleagues to join as fellow musicians.



Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Märchenerzählungen Op.132 (1853)

I. Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell
II. Lebhaft und sehr markiert
III. Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck
IV. Lebhaft, sehr markiert


T. Adès (1971-)
Three Berceuses (2018)
I. N/N
III. Berceuse Macabre


J.Brahms (1833-1897)
Sonate für Violine und Klavier in G-Dur, Op.78 (1878-79)

I. Vivace ma non troppo
II. Adagio
III. Allegro Molto Moderato


Further Participants

Martina Consonni (Piano)
Cosima Soulez Larivière (Violin)

The program and concert flyer will be designed individually by the students.