5 / 15 €
A guest at the Casals Forum

Schostakowitsch 14 mit Kunstausstellung

The music students' orchestra "New Musical Forum" is presenting a program on the theme of dealing with death, together with school students. Dmitri Shostakovich's 14th Symphony sets eleven poems on this subject to music. This work will be juxtaposed with sound installations and a new composition for percussion. Artworks created by young people will accompany the individual movements of the symphony and can be viewed during the concert. The orchestra consists of music students who work on a program outside the classical paths twice a year.


Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No.14 for soprano, bass and chamber orchestra, Op.135

Elisabeth Schmeißer, soprano
Kurt Lachmann, baritone
Neues musikalisches Forum
Alexander Ebert, conductor

Subject to change.


Organizer: Neues musikalisches Forum gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)